-Bachelor Arts -Creative Visualisation - 2:2.
University of Teesside, Middlesbrough.

The three year course at Teesside University consisted of learning several programming languages such as C, Javascript and Php. The main bulk of the visualisation course relied heavily upon art and design using various 3d and 2d design techniques. This was mostly achieved using software such as 3DS Max for creating environments and characters with Photoshop for all the 2d texturing work. The creation and flow, of design documents was also an important aspect, this allowed for a steady progress of a project detailing the aims and objective that had to be achieved and the time frame in which it was set.

BTec Nat. Dip Computing - Distinction.
Brooklands College, Weybridge, Surrey.

My two years at Brookland College were spent learning about computer systems and design. The main modules consisted of Photoshop, C, Hmtl, Css, Pascal along with database application management and mathematics. This helped me develop a better understanding of the fundamental principles behind design work, from projects based purely on aesthetics to wider database functionality.